
Wanderarbeiter_innen in der Landwirtschaft in Rheinland-Pfalz

23 June: Only those who know their rights can claim them.

Lecture by Maria Dimcheva, European Association for Migrant Workers Issues, in the context of the lecture series “Flucht bewegt”; on Thursday, 23 June at 18:15 in HS Anna Bahr Mildenburg (Ergeschoß, Unipark).

Published on 27 June 2016

Information about Ph.D. in Religious Studies

A new doctoral studies-programme in Religious Studies is being planned starting in the summer-term 2017 at the University of Salzburg.

Published on 24 June 2016
Foto: Forschungsgruppe Medienwandel

15 June, Panel Discussion: “Wissenschaft, die Praxis schafft”

Journalistic Blog, panel discussion and light conversation on rather unworldly products and technical jargon:
The Salzburg Research Group “Media Change” brings fresh air to Communication Science.

Published on 20 June 2016