

Salzburg University Opens Russia Centre

The University of Salzburg held an inauguration of the “Russia Centre” on 18 November, 2015. Rector Heinrich Schmidinger welcomed the representatives of the Foundation “Russkyj Mir”, the Ambassador and the Consul General of the Russian Federation.

Published on 08 December 2015
Alte Residenz

19 November: Book Presentation: “Physikalische Wirklichkeit – Konstruktion oder Entdeckung? (Physical Reality – Construction or Discovery?)”

The Christian Doppler Fund, the University of Salzburg and the publisher Living Edition, Thursday, 19 November, 18.00

Published on 23 November 2015
Lucas Zeise

19 November: Money and the Euro Crisis

Lecture and discussion with Lucas Zeise, Financial Journalist. Thursday, 19 November, 10:15 in HS 436, 3rd floor of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstraße 34

Published on 23 November 2015