
Fotocredits: Max Kovalenko

8 March: Lecture, “Remember” – Nicht-Orte in Zweigs “Schachnovelle”

A lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Juliana P. Perez, University of Sao Paolo at the Pedagogical College at Akademiestraße, 18:00.

Published on 13 March 2017
Anne Fleig

From 8 March: Lecture Series: “The Feminist and her Gender – Polemic Thoughts on a Controversial Category”

Anne Fleig (Berlin) will open the lecture series with, “Polemics and Gender. Constructions – Distinctions – Provocations”, in the program of Art Polemic – Polemic Art, on 8 March, in the Unipark (18:00 -19:30, Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1, E.002).

Published on 13 March 2017

Language Center: Course Registration in the Summer Semester 2017

Important dates and information regarding registration for courses at the Language Center during Summer Semester 2017.

Published on 13 March 2017