
Gelatin, Arc de Triomphe, Salzburg 2003, © MdM Salzburg

22 January, 2016: Mine Fields of Contemporary Art. The Offensive and the Impertinent

Session with Ruth Sonderegger, Christian Janecke and Alexander García Düttmann in the Kunstquartier (Atelier, 1st floor, Bergstr 12, Start Time: 15:00).

Published on 12 January 2016

Graduation and Doctoral Thesis Celebration

The University of Salzburg warmly congratulates those who celebrated their graduations and completion of doctoral theses on 25 November, 2015.

Published on 22 December 2015
Vortrag Rutten

Trapped! The Political Economy of Wildlife-based Ecotourism in Kenya

Lecture by Marcel Rutten, Monday, 14 December, 2015. Time: 14:50 – 15:30. Location: HS 436, 3rd Floor, Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Published on 16 December 2015