
Universität Salzburg

14 March: Do the Biosciences Dominate Our Lives?

Thirty-six years after the “Ende des Naturwissenschaftlichen Zeitalters” – presentations and discussions with Prof. Dr. Herbert Pietschmann, physicist, and Prof. Dr. Hendrik Ankersmit, physician and biological scientist.

Published on 30 March 2016

14 March: Invitation to the Book Presentation “20 Years of Austria’s EU Membership”

WHEN: 14 March, 2016, 14:00, Vienna
WHERE: Bundesministeriums für Europa, Integration und Äußeres am Wiener Minoritenplatz

Published on 30 March 2016
Foto Einladungsfolder

14 March: Defending Guantanamo Prisoners – When Justice Fails

Presentation and discussion in English with Nancy Hollander, International Criminal Defense Lawyer, Albuquerque, USA, on 14 March, 19:30, Robert Jungk Library, Stadtwerk, Strubergasse 18.

Published on 30 March 2016