
Ceren Oran: BigBang Festival Hamburg

19 – 20 May: Workshop on SOUND PAINTING AND DANCE with Ceren Oran

For children from 6 to 12 years of age.

Published on 29 May 2017
Bild: ©Hubert Auer, Logo: ©Wissensstadt Salzburg

18 May: City of Knowledge, Salzburg – Knowledge Month – May

The University Library of Salzburg is here! Guided tour of the University archive – hats off!

Published on 29 May 2017
Der Stadtraum als kulturelle Verhandlungszone

17 May: Urban Space as a Cultural Zone of Negotiation

Symposium. Wednesday, 17 May, 2017, 14:00 – 19:30, W & K Atelier. Organization & Moderation: Siglinde Lang / Sandra Chatterjee. To be able to participate actively in shaping one’s own life is regarded as a fundamental right of civil society and includes the right to cultural participation. But is this participation made use of and fully utilized?

Published on 29 May 2017