
©Lange Nacht der Forschung

22 April: Long Night of Research – The University Library Salzburg is Involved!

The Faculty of Law Library (Toskanatrakt) opens its doors on Friday, 22 April, 2016, from17:00 to 23:00.

Published on 14 April 2016
Buch Cover ©Mandelbaum Verlag

9 March: “Discussion” with Dr. Walter Sauer

“Expeditions into African Austria” – The talk is devoted to the commitment of Walter Sauer in the anti-apartheid movement.

Published on 30 March 2016
Foto: Pixabay; Fotobearbeitung: Vetsch, UBS

2. Night Shift @ UBS – Review

Procrastination “war gestern – dem Schweinehund wurde wieder die Stirn geboten”. On 21 January 2016, the Second Night Shift @ UBS was held at the University of Salzburg Library.

Published on 10 February 2016