
Meister belehrt mehrere Schüler

Agorà Peter Simon Altmann “Äußere und Innere Landschaft”

Asia’s historical development is very important and worthy of attention because of its age and significance; it also provides a look at the histories of other cultures: for example, the European civilization, a significant contribution to human culture. Living in Salzburg, writer Peter Simon Altmann has worked closely with the Asian culture in his novels and short stories and will give insight into two of his books whose contents deal with the Asian culture.

Published on 25 March 2015

Geological Colloquium on Tuesday, 17 March, 2015, 17:00 in HS 434, Hellbrunnerstraße 34

Götz BOKELMANN & Ehsan QORBANI (University of Vienna): Seismic Anisotropy Under the Alps

Published on 19 March 2015
Best Talk Award July 2014

ICA Excellent Talk Awards

The PhD Program of the Austrian Science Fund „Immunity in Cancer and Allergy – ICA“ hosted a symposium with plenary lectures of international scientists and progress reports of local doctoral students. Michaela Haider, Jonas Kuppler, Theresa Neuper and Thomas Schmidt received the “ICA Excellent Talk Award”. The talk of Elfi Töpfer was awarded with “Best of HUMUNITY”.

Published on 18 March 2015