
Foto: Fachbereich

Award Talents Internship

The FFG talent trainee, Larisa Manaj, from BG/BRG Schloss Wagrain in Vöcklabruck, completed a 4-week internship in summer 2019 as part of the Nan-O-Style project at the Faculty of Life Sciences. Her report was announced as one of the top 20 internship reports by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (the Österreichischen Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG)). The internship supervisor Martin Himly and team from the Department of Life Sciences extend their congratulations!

Published on 25 November 2019
Vortragsreihe Sozialpädagogische Blicke

Event Series “Social Pedagogic Views” 2019/20

Social education between help, control, punishment and coercion

Published on 25 November 2019

Five New Professors Introduced

For the Winter Semester 2019/20, the University of Salzburg appointed five new professors: Michael BLAUBERGER, Univ.-Prof. for Politics of the European Union, Political Science and Sociology (+ DZ SCEUS); Alexander SOKOLICEK, Univ.-Prof. for Classical Archeology, Classical Studies; Ulrike GREINER, Univ.-Prof. for Professional Research and Teacher Education with special reference to subject didactics, School of Education; Margit REITER, Univ.-Prof. for European Contemporary History.

Published on 25 November 2019