
Symbolbild e-learning

11 October: u_Lecture Webinar-Series Geoinformatics

The UNIGIS u_Lecture webinars will provide interesting topics from the field of geoinformatics directly on PCs and mobile phones from the beginning of October. The webinars in English are open to all who are interested in the exciting developments in this field, or who are simply enthusiastic about lifelong learning.

Published on 23 October 2017

10 October: Innovation with Geoinformatics: Options and Opportunities for the Economy

Technologies and methods of geoinformatics are rapidly evolving. What are the opportunities and options for companies that arise from these innovations? At the Department of Geoinformatics at the University of Salzburg, experts from several companies report on their solutions and experiences regarding location, virtual interfaces and geo-sensing.

Published on 23 October 2017

10 October – 19 December: Proseminar “Queering: Scientific Perspective and Artistic Strategy”

The seminar facilitator is Sandra Chatterjee. Organization: gendup – Center for Gender Studies and Promotion of Women at the University of Salzburg.

Published on 23 October 2017