
Publication of the Month May (2017)

We proudly announce the Awardees of the Publication of the Month May (2017): Carmen ABFALTER & Maria SCHUBERT

Published on 02 June 2017
Franz Neubauer

Salzburg Geologists Very Active in Iran

Geologists from the University of Salzburg are greatly benefiting from the recently concluded science agreement between Iran and Austria. At least three new cooperation-projects are planned. The expertise of the Salzburg geologists in the discovery of gold or rare earths is, for example, very much in demand in Iran. Rare earth elements/metals are among the most coveted raw materials in the world.

Published on 31 May 2017
Grossgerät EMXplus Spektrometer

University of Salzburg Opens its Research Infrastructure for External Partners in Business and Science

Under the title “Open for Collaboration”, the Austrian universities announce which technologies are available for cooperation. Approximately 100 research infrastructures currently are available at the University of Salzburg.

Published on 29 May 2017