Gastvortrag Prof. Aymelt Itzen, 13th of October, 5 p.m. Lecture Room Green (HS 403)
Title: Modulation of small GTPase activities by pathogenic bacteria
Gastvortrag Prof. Robert Huber 6th of October, 5 p.m., Lecture Room Green (HS403)
Title: Protease control in Health and Disease and my Experience with its Translation into Practice and Business
Vortrag Porf. Dr. Michael Rathmann (Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Damnatio memoriae Vergessen oder doch erinnern? am Bereich Alte Geschichte, Altertumskunde und Mykenologie, Residenzplatz 1, Stiege IV, Montag 27. Oktober 2014, 18:30 Uhr s.t., SR 1.42