
Stephen Clift

Critical Reflections on Twenty Years of Research Exploring the Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Group Singing

20th January 2022: Stephen Clift and Grenville Hancox (2001) conducted one of the first research projects on singing wellbeing and health just over twenty years ago. Since that time there has been a considerable increase in research activity internationally exploring the potential health benefits of active engagement in group singing.

Published on 17 January 2022
Edith_Stein-Haus_und_Edmundsburg_Franz Fuchs

PLUS Department of Economics

What is the impact of tax changes on employment, business investment or international profit shifting activities of firms? What is the role of social security and welfare transfers on labor market outcomes, pension decisions or organization of care? Is the recent increase in inflation permanent or transitory? What happens with mortgage rates  if the European Central Bank increases its policy rate? What are the costs and benefits of health measures to circumvent a pandemic? These and many more questions affect households, firms and the society as a whole and are at the core of the research activities of the new PLUS Department of Economics.

Published on 17 January 2022

new publication: Prof. Rötting

new publication:
Martin Rötting,
Spiritualität vs. Religion.
Eine interreligiöse Beziehungsanalyse.
292 S., paperback, 14,8 x 21 cm, 
EOS-Verlag St. Ottilien 2022, ISBN: 978-3-8306-8111-3

Published on 12 January 2022