
Grafik Alumnifest

Invitation to All Alumni, Students and Staff!

On Friday, 12 June, the Alumni Party will be held in the Großen Universitätsaula/Furtwängler Garden.
Program: Champagne reception, Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” (University Orchestra), Latin Feeling with DJ Gringo and the Salsa Club Salzburg, insights into UB-Book Store and much more; summer drinks and finger food included!

Published on 11 June 2015
Rick Owens, Spring-Summer-Show 2009, copyright: The Boon Report

The Religious Life of Fashion

Workshop on the relevance of visibility of religion in fashion in the Kunstquartier (Bergstr. 12a, Atelier) on Friday, 29 May (10-17:00) and Saturday, 30 May (10- 13:00) organized by Science & Art,
Kooperationsschwerpunkt of the Paris Lodron University and the Mozarteum –

Published on 10 June 2015
Bild Moleküle

DFG Schwerpunktprogramm at the PLUS

Raphael Berger from Department of Materials Research and Physics succeeded in a project within the Schwerpunktprogramm (SPP) 1807 ( of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Title of the SPPs is the “Kontrolle von London-Dispersionswechselwirkungen in der Molekülchemie”.

Published on 10 June 2015