
Gesundheitstag 2016

Wellness Day “Awareness in Everyday Work Life” – 18 May, 2016

On Wednesday, 18 May, 2016, you are cordially invited to attend the 4th Wellness Day at the University of Salzburg, which will take place from 09:00 until 14:30.

Published on 08 June 2016


W & K Forum on Wednesday, 11 May, 2016, in the Unipark Nonntal (Abbot-Klotz-Str 1, HS E.002, Agnes-Muthspiel, Start time: 19:45)
Statements and debate on the so-called Böhmermann-Erdoğan matter.

Published on 08 June 2016
Protest afghanischer Flüchtlinge in Ankara

Thursday, 19 May. Bilgin Ayata: The EU and Turkey Refugee Policy

The EU and Turkey Refugee Policy: Border Patrol instead of Human Rights. Lecture by Bilgin Ayata, University of Basel, within the framework of the lecture series “Flucht bewegt” on Thursday, 19 May at 18:15 in the HS Anna Bahr Mildenburg, Unipark.

Published on 08 June 2016