
Foto Arbeitsmigration

2 June: Lecture Series “Labor Migration from the 1960s”

In the summer semester 2016, there are at the Department of History a series of lecture on the issue of labor migration. Next Event: “Labour Migrations in Luxembourg since the 1960s Compared to France and Belgium”, with Denis Scuto of the University of Luxembourg – 2 June, 17:00, Hörsaal 380, Rudolfskai 42.

Published on 13 June 2016
Mark Terkessidis

2 June, W & K Forum: On the way to a diverse society?!

The democratic-political significance of art, collaboration and cultural diversity. Lecture by Mark Terkessidis – Date: 02/06/2016, 18:00, Stadtgalerie Lehen.

Published on 10 June 2016

8 June: Lecture on Psychotherapy for Traumatized Refugees

Arab refugees who have fled wars and political unrest in their homeland were often exposed to sequential traumatization, and showed in previous studies a high prevalence of mental disorders.

Published on 10 June 2016