
Salzburg einzigartig

Learning German at the Salzburg Museum: new course in the summer semester 2023

In March, another course on language and cultural learning started at the Salzburg Museum (project “SpraKuS”, cooperation project between the Language Centre and the Salzburg Museum). The course takes place from March 2023 to June 2023 on a total of 14 afternoons.

Published on 28 March 2023

Prof. Hoff on BR (Bavarian Radio) regarding the topic of: Papst²: Wie Benedikt und Franziskus Geschichte schrieben

BR (Radio) aired a radio report on february 11th 2023 with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Maria Hoff regarding “Papst²: Wie Benedikt und Franziskus Geschichte schrieben”

The interview (held in German) is available in the fifth episode

Published on 28 March 2023

New publication of Prof. Hoff published an article of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Maria Hoff on March 23rd 2023 regarding: “Ein Ort des Aufbruchs und der Erinnerung”

The article is published in German

Published on 28 March 2023