
Plakat d. Buchpräs. mit Kopf u. d. chin. Zeichen für Harmonie

19 June: Book Presentation Followed by a Discussion with Prof. Gordon WANG “On the Culture of Harmony” – Where Are Human Beings Headed?

Prof. Gordon Wang
Vorsitzender der Gordon Ge Wang „On the Culture of Harmony“ Private Foundation
Executive Vice Chairman, Ecological Civilization Committee of United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
Chairman, UNAOC World Ecological Civilization Dialogue Conference
Chairman & Founder – Institute of Harmony Culture
Honorary Chairman, China Society for the Promotion of Cultural and Art Development
Honorary President Organization Committee, 2012 (London) Olympic Fine Arts Assembly
Professor, Nankai University School of Economics
Monographs:””ON THE CULTURE OF HARMONY – Where are Human Beings Headed?” and, “Thinking about the Culture of Harmony.””

Published on 24 June 2019
LOGO Botanischer Garten

19 June: Botanical Garden – Guided Tour

The Botanical Garden invites you to a free guided tour! Meeting point: Entrance to the Botanical Garden. Duration: approximately one hour. The tour will take place in all weather conditions.

Botanical Garden, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34.

Published on 24 June 2019
Logo des ZJK

18 June: Lecture – The Position of the Jews in Medieval Egypt and Syria (10th-16th Centuries)

Dr. Amir Mazor (University of Haifa) –
Tuesday, 18 June, 2019, 18:00 c.t.,
Room E.33 (Abguss-Sammlung, Residenzplatz 1).

Published on 24 June 2019