
Foto: Deutscher Bundestag in Berlin

Stefan Griller as an Expert in the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag

At the Invitation of the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag, Professor Griller was one of five experts who on the 17th June 2020 held an expert discussion with the representatives regarding the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) on the lack of competence of the ECB’s PSPP (Public Sector Purchase Program).

Published on 25 June 2020

Publication of the month May

We proudly announce the Awardees of the Publication of the Month May: Maximilian GANSER and Thomas HÜTTER

Published on 04 June 2020
Foto: Universität Salzburg, Innovation Days 2019

Innovation Days 2020: Students in a Creative Sprint – by Katja Hutter, Department of Social Sciences and Economics

After the success of recent years, the Innovation Days of the University of Salzburg will take place for the fourth time and for the virtually for the first time!

Published on 02 June 2020