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25 June: Lecture: “In Auschwitz muss die neue europäische Hauptstadt entstehen, …” Das Gedenken an den Holocaust als Basis von Demokratie und Menschenrechten?

Dr. Daniel Gerson (Berne)
Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 18:00 c.t.,
HS 389 (GesWi, Rudolfskai 42)

Published on 28 June 2019

Billroth-Colloquium summer term 2019

Thursday 12.30 pm; SR 103 (1st floor), Billrothstrasse 11

Published on 26 June 2019
Foto: Scheinast

University of Salzburg: Rectorate Complete

The University Council approved the proposals of the designated Rector Hendrik Lehnert, and chose Nicola Hüsing, Katja Hutter, Barbara Romauer and Martin Weichbold as the new Vice-Rectors. The new Rectorate will start work on 1 October, 2019.

Published on 24 June 2019