
Rudolf Mosler

9 – 10, November: Legal Didactics between Theory and Practice

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Mosler, will introduce the 2nd Rechtsdidaktik Symposium in Austria with his main lecture “Mehr oder weniger Praxisorientierung in der JuristInnenausbildung? “. Dates: from 9 to 10 November, 2016, at the University of Salzburg.

Published on 14 November 2016

10 November: Book Presentation, “…and do not salt it!”

A handwritten collection of Salzburg’s oldest cooking recipes from the late medieval period at the Salzburg University Library.

Published on 14 November 2016
Assoc.-Prof. Sabine Agatha, [Foto: M. Ganser]

The Miracle Plankton: On the Tracks of Hermann Fol

The almost one hundred meters deep bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer on the Cote d’Azur (France) is known for its diversity of planktonic organisms. As early as the 19th century, the Swiss university professor, Hermann Fol (1854-1892), was the first to describe various species of fascinating tintins (ciliates).

Published on 14 November 2016