

“New Globality” through Corona?

The Covid 19 pandemic has immediate consequences for many people. However, it has also relocated the debates in specialist circles and previous self-evident issues are being questioned: this includes the understanding of “globalization”.

Published on 01 July 2020
Pfeile als Bodenmarkierung, Copyright:

Corona and the good life

The Corona Crisis has upset all of our lives: It has shattered our plans, restricted us, destroyed everyday routines, rendered old ways of thinking useless and made us aware of our vulnerability. And like any crisis, it creates a need for orientation.

Published on 01 July 2020
Schwedische Flagge, Copyright:

A bumpy special way? Sweden in the Corona crisis

In the corona crisis, Sweden attracted international attention: While almost all countries – including Austria – opted for legally prescribed measures of social distancing (‘lockdown’), schools, restaurants or leisure facilities remained largely open in Sweden. A higher epidemic and a higher increase in the death rate appeared to be accepted in order to minimize the economic and social damage caused by the crisis.

Published on 01 July 2020