
©Buchcovers: Edition Skala, Waxmann Verlag GmbH

1 December: Book Presentation and Exhibition Opening

The Department of Music and Dance Science and the University Library of the University of Salzburg invite you to attend the book presentation and exhibition opening on 1 December, 2016, from 18:30 to 20:00, in the Lounge der Fachbibliothek Unipark (1. UG), Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1.

Published on 03 December 2016
Thomas Meinecke und Teresa Präauer

30 November: W & K Forum: GeschlechterSpielRäume

GeschlechterSpielRäume: Thomas Meinecke “Selbst” and Teresa Präauer “Oh Schimmi” – Readings, disucussion, DJ-set with Didi Neidhart & Thomas Meinecke, 19:30 ARGEkultur, Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Straße 5. Admission is free!

Published on 03 December 2016
Philip Hölzl am Lichtmikroskop

“Vocational Practical Days” in the Department of Ecology and Evolution

Within the scope of the “Berufspraktisches Tage”, Philip Hölzl from the New Mittelschule Walserfeld gained insight into the lab activities and the research of the working group of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sabine Agatha.

Published on 30 November 2016