
FOR APAC Lecture Series Agorá

FOR APAC Lecture Series Agorá

15 March 2023 | in presence and online: Dr. Aimi Muranaka ( Institute of East-Asian Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen) and Dr. Joohyun Justine Park (Goethe University Frankfurt) lecture about “Unlocking Potential: A Comparison of Labour Market Integration of Skilled Migrants in South Korea and Japan”.

Published on 06 March 2023
Big Data Visualization

New course: Introduction to Big Data Algorithms

This semester, we offer a new course called “Introduction to Big Data Algorithms”. The course is taught by Emilio Cruciani and starts on March 8.

Published on 03 March 2023
Urwanisch und Unger

Publication of the Month February

We proudly announce the Awardees of the Publication of the Month February: URWANISCH Laura & UNGER Michael

Published on 01 March 2023