
Publication of the month June

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month June: Michael Johannes GLÜCK

Published on 01 July 2019
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26 June: Lecture – Medieval Jerusalem (7th-16th Centuries)

Dr. Amir Mazor (Haifa)
Wednesday, 26 June, 2019, 18:00 c.t., Room E.33 (Abguss-Sammlung, Residenzplatz 1)

Published on 28 June 2019
Didi Neidhart

27.6. Art: Polemics – a Finissage

Thu 27 JUNE, 18:00: FINAL EVENT OF THE PROGRAM KUNSTPOLEMIK – POLEMIKKUNST // KunstQuartier|Bergstr. 12a |W&K-Atelier, 1. OG //

Published on 28 June 2019