
©Marcus Witek

11 January: Exhibition Opening of “Urban Art Remixed”

The University Library Salzburg presents the exhibition “Urban Art Remixed” by the Salzburg artist Marcus Witek in the rooms of the main library from 11 January to 29 March, 2018.

Published on 22 January 2018
Dr. Mirjam Zanchetta - Foto Kolarik

The “Imposter-Phenomenon”: Experience Failure in Real Success

In the career ladder upwards, persons with great potential can stand in their own way because they are plagued by strong self-doubts. In science, the phenomenon that outwardly successful performers perceive themselves internally as imposters is known as the “Impostor Phenomenon”, or “Hochstapler-phenomenon”.

Published on 22 January 2018
Plakat der Ringvorlesung

21 December – Lecture Series: Between Heaven and Earth. Angels and Demons in the Jewish Tradition and their Community

The Apparitions of Angels & Demons in the ‘School of Atheists’ – With
Assoz.Prof. Dr. Armin Eidherr (Salzburg) – Thu 21.12.2017, 17:15, HS E.001 (Unipark, Salzburg).

Published on 22 January 2018