
Oracle Visualization

New Manuscript on arXiv

The manuscript “Bootstrapping Dynamic Distance Oracles” by Sebastian Forster, Gramoz Goranci, Yasamin Nazari, Antonis Skarlatos is now available on arXiv.

Published on 13 March 2023

Media, Text and Travel

16-17 March 2023 | online: First joint online symposium on Media, Text and Travel, to be co-hosted in March 2023 by PLUS and the University of Melbourne.

Published on 13 March 2023
Josef Zweimüller

Research seminar by Josef Zweimüller (University of Zurich)

14 March at 6:00PM | on-site: Josef Zweimüller (University of Zurich) will present on the topic “Duration Dependence in Finding a Job: Applications, Interviews, Job Offers”. Note that the research seminar will take place on-site in room HS 302 (FRA1OG4.420). Looking forward to seeing you in the seminar!

Published on 06 March 2023