

8th Ulrich Winkler Lecture: Mission

19 April 2023 | in presence: Univ.-Prof. DDr. Franz Gmainer-Pranzl lectures on the topic „Mission. Ein interkulturell-theologischer Blick auf eine exzentrische Kirche”. The lecture will be held in German.

Published on 16 March 2023
Charlotte Werndl

Philosophy department at the PLUS receives Cluster of Excellence award for 2023

Philosopher Charlotte Werndl from the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) has successfully participated in the Cluster of Excellence 2023, part of the Austrian Excellence Initiative excellent=austria. The PLUS Rectorate congratulates her and is delighted that the leading researcher has been awarded funding for a cutting-edge project.

Published on 14 March 2023
Thomas Schwab und Hasan Razouq | Funktionskeramik-Kollage


It is no longer possible to imagine life without ceramic materials. They are just as prevalent and dominant as metals, polymers or composites. An article by Dr. Thomas Schwab and Hasan Razouq, M.Sc. on new and essential insights has now been published in the February 2023 issue of the renowned Journal of the American Ceramic Society.

Published on 13 March 2023