
Kolloquium Erziehungswissenschaft

Starting Wednesday, 22 March: Colloquium on Educational Science

An invitation to the Colloquium on Educational Science starting on 22 March, 2017.

Published on 23 March 2017
John S. Kloppenborg

21 March: Guest Lecture by John S. Kloppenborg

The Lord’s Prayer and Debt Recovery. Insights from Graeco-Egyptian Papyri

Published on 23 March 2017
Foto: L. Caputo

20 March: Lecture Series, “Transcendence Concepts in Art, Literature, Religion”

On Monday, 20 March, Peter Deutschmann will lecture on “Transzendenz in der Literatur – Allwissenheit, Abgründe und Sprünge”. The public interfaculty lecture will take place in the HS Anna Bahr-Mildenburg, Unipark Nonntal, 19:00-20:30.

Published on 23 March 2017