
23.3. – Guest lecture: From the lab to the field – Endophyte research at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

On the 23rd of March 2018, Birgit Mitter will give a guest lecture on “From the lab to the field – Endophyte research at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology”. It will take place in the Lecture Room 421 at Hellbrunnerstraße 34 at 2pm. The Department of Biosciences cordially invites all listeners!

Published on 15 March 2018
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2 March: ORF Broadcast of the Documentary, “Aalwanderungen”

The documentary by Robert Schabetsberger about “Eelwanderungen” will be broadcast on 2 March at 18:00 ORF III. Program for broadcast:   here

Published on 12 March 2018

22 – 24 February: International Legal Informatics Symposium IRIS 2018

Once again this year, the WissensNetzwerk Recht, Wirtschaft und Arbeitswelt, together with the Vienna Center for Legal Informatics (WZRI) of the University of Vienna, has organized the largest and most important scientific conference in Austria and Central Europe in the field of legal informatics: the International Legal Informatics Symposium IRIS. The event will be held from 22 to 24 February, 2018, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Salzburg.

Published on 12 March 2018