

23 -25 May: The 20th Österreichischen Juristentag at the University of Salzburg – “Do Facebook & Co Endanger Democracy?”

At the beginning of the 20th Österreichischen Juristentags, a podium discussion will take place on 23 May, 2018, at 18:00 at the University of Salzburg in the series “Rechtspanorama” on “Do Facebook & Co Endanger Democracy?”. The organizers are the daily newspaper, Die Presse, and the University of Salzburg.

Published on 04 June 2018
Doron Rabinovici, Schriftsteller

14 -18 May: 10th Salzburg Stefan Zweig Poetry Lecture

Doron Rabinovici: I wie Rabinovici. Zu Sprachen finden – 14th to 18th May, 2018.

Published on 04 June 2018

8 May: Guest Lecture “Unconditional Basic Income – a Legal Ethical Consideration of Human Rights

Followed by a panel discussion together with dr. Gottfried Schweiger (Center for Ethics and Poverty Research).

Published on 04 June 2018