
Laborgebäude Itzling - Foto: Scheinast

1 – 3 June: Symposium “175 Years Doppler Effect”

In 2017, the Doppler principle celebrates its 175th anniversary. The physicist Christian Doppler, born in Salzburg in 1803, presented his main work at the University of Prague on 25 May, 1842, on “Das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne”, in which he described the principle known as the Doppler effect for the first time.

Published on 08 June 2017
Programm Gesundheitstag 2017

Wellness Day “less-stress @ work” – June 7, 2017

On Wednesday, 7 June, 2017, the 5th Wellness Day will take place from 9:00 to 14:00 at the University of Salzburg. All employees of the University of Salzburg are cordially invited to participate.

Published on 08 June 2017
Bild Prof. David Woodruff Smith

31 May: Lecture – “The Inner Liar Paradox – As Logic meets Phenomenology”

The Philosophical Society in Salzburg, together with the departments of Philosophy of the KGW and KTH, invites you to attend a lecture with Professor David W. Smith. Date: Wednesday, 31 May, 2017, 18:15, HS 301 Franziskanergasse 1.

Published on 02 June 2017