
Publication of the month May (2018)

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month May (2018): Therese WOHLSCHLAGER

Published on 05 June 2018

KinderUNI Salzburg Opens the Door to the Universe

From the 3rd to the 13th of July, the University of Salzburg, together with the Mozarteum University and the Verein Spektrum, is offering a varied program for children ages 8 to 12 years old with the >KinderUNI

Published on 04 June 2018
Alexander Bauer

8 May: Sweet Spot. Lounge for Electro-acoustic Music: MINIMAL

The series SWEET SPOT sees itself as a forum for classical and completely new productions of electro-acoustic music in Salzburg. In a lounge atmosphere, completely new but also “classics” of the genre are heard and collectively discussed. Each concert is accompanied by a short introduction and the opportunity to discuss what has been heard over a glass of wine.

Published on 04 June 2018