
Foto: Neumayr

Modern Working Environments. EFS AG Sponsors Dissertation Project with 160,000 Euro

The working world is in a state of upheaval. Keywords such as “industry 4.0” or “digital transformation” are common. Triggered by ever more powerful IT systems, highly developed robotics and sensor technology, 3D printers, Clouds or “Big Data”, life and work are changing fundamentally, which means there are both opportunities and risks.

Published on 10 July 2017
Lehrgangsleitung ULG

Master’s Celebration in the University Course Elementary Education

The ULG Elementary Pedagogy will be completed at the beginning of July. It is the first professional Master’s degree for early childhood education. An Award Ceremony will present the best Master’s theses . The next course starts in WS 2017/18. We congratulate you all!

Published on 10 July 2017

23 -24 June: Lecture Series “Global Uncertainties – Overall Uncertainty – Search for Orientation”

Lecture Series on Global Challenges: 23 -24 June, 2017, UniPark Salzburg.

Published on 26 June 2017