
Schloss Klessheim

Alumni Fest 2018 Sold Out

Unfortunately, tickets are no longer available for the 16th Alumni Fest of the University of Salzburg, which is scheduled to take place this Thursday in the Schloss Klessheim. Next alumni meeting: Linz and Vienna.

Published on 07 July 2018

Publication of the month June (2018)

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month June (2018): Lorenz AGLAS

Published on 03 July 2018
Salzburg - Foto: Universität Salzburg

Guest Lecture with Professor Dr. Adem Sözüer

Adem Sözüer gave a lecture on 20 June, 10:15, in Hörsaal 208 on the subject of “The Turkish Criminal Law Reform: Successes, Hopes, Disappointments”. The Faculty of Law and the Research Center for Criminal Law and Criminology invite you to attend.

Published on 28 June 2018