
Florian Rieder (links) und Hans-Peter Wiesinger

New Therapy for Knee Pain

In his dissertation, the sports scientist, Florian Rieder, from the University of Salzburg came to the conclusion that vibration training has a developing effect on the patellar tendon at the knee. Now, the FWF is funding a follow-up study that examines whether this training also helps as a therapy for knee pain due to degeneration of the patella tendon (tendinopathy). Participants are being sought for this Sports Medicine study.

Published on 20 September 2017

A New Type of Helper Cells Provide Hope of Therapy for Children Suffering from Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa.

American researchers at the Benaroya Research Institute in Seattle (USA) recently identified a specific type of immune cell in human blood. Immunologists from the University of Salzburg under the direction of Biologist Dr. Iris Gratz discovered and tested this special helper T-cell population in the skin, as well.

Published on 20 September 2017
Logo Botanischer Garten

Guided Tours in the Botanical Garden of the University of Salzburg

The Botanical Garden offers guided tours on various topics in September. Admission is free.

Published on 20 September 2017