
Bild Stipendiaten

Doctoral Student from the University of Hong Kong Receives ERNST MACH Eurasia Pacific UNINET Scholarship

Joanne LUK from the University of Hong Kong will work for eight months as of September at the Faculty of Education on her dissertation on the “Nesthockern” in Hong Kong.

Published on 04 October 2018

Springboard for Salzburg MINT-Talente: Dr. Ing. Hans Riegel Fachpreise Prices 2018

The University of Salzburg, in cooperation with the Kaiserschild Foundation, once again awarded the DR. HANS-RIEGEL-FACHPREISE in the state of Salzburg: this year the prize totaled 5400 Euro. Jury coordinator, Prof. Maurizio Musso, from the University of Salzburg stressed: „Neben den wirklich sehr engagierten Arbeiten mit innovativen Themensetzungen in den verschiedenen Fachbereichen, freut mich heuer besonders das ausgeglichene Geschlechterverhältnis bei den jungen MINT-Talenten!“

Published on 04 October 2018
Inspection of New Arrivals, 1858 by Giulio Rosati

13 – 14 September: Women Frontstage. Female Polemics and the American Revolution

International Workshop / 12th Meeting of the European Study Group of 19th Century American Literature

13 September. KEYNOTE: Marion Rust (University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA), ”’How d’ye like my play?’ Getting the Jokes in Slaves in Algiers”, (14:30) at the KunstQuartier, Bergstr. 12a, W & K-Atelier, 1st floor

Published on 04 October 2018