
Plakat der Ringvorlesung

9 November – Lecture Series: Between Heaven and Earth. Angels and Demons in the Jewish Tradition and their Community

SUPERGAU für Dämonen: Das exorzistische Wirken Jesu von Nazaret im Kontext seiner Verkündigung der endzeitlichen Gottesherrschaft.
Marlis Gielen (Department of Biblical Studies, Salzburg)
Thursday, 9 November, 2017, 17:15 HS E.001 (Unipark)

Published on 13 November 2017
Empfang der Religionen - Schiiten

8 November: 7th Reception of Religions – Focus: Shiite

The reception will take place on Wednesday, 8 November, 2017, at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Universitätsplatz 1 (Salzburg). 18:15 in the Kollegienkirche (Religionsverbundende Gebet – designed by the Afro-Asian Institute Salzburg). The Reception will be at 19:00 in HS 101 of the Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät (Universitätsplatz 1, EG).

Published on 13 November 2017

University of Salzburg Recognises Outstanding Individuals

On Tuesday, 31 October, 2017, the University of Salzburg recognised Peter Kramml, Head of the City History Museum, with the Ehrenring in Gold, and conferred an honorary doctorate in law to the constitutional judge, Rudolf Müller.

Published on 09 November 2017