28 September: SHK Symposium “Innovative Hochschuldidaktik”
The Salzburger Hochschulkonferenz was founded more than 5 years ago in order to enhance the cooperation between the six Salzburger Hochschulen, to promote the exchange of joint experiences and best practices and to strengthen the scientific, research and higher education location of Salzburg. Location: Mozarteum Salzburg.
28 September: Austrian Premiere – League Terezin. Football in KZ Theresienstadt
Film and discussion evening at the 2nd Salzburger Fußballtagung with Oded Breda (Filmmaker, Tel Aviv), Rudi Gelbard (Concentration Camp Survivor, Vienna), Eberhard Schulz (Speaker Initiative !Nie Wieder, Munich) and Stefan Zwicker (Historian, Wiesbaden) , Moderator: Albert Lichtblau.
28 September: 2nd Salzburger Fußballtagung 2017
“Fußball between Power, identity, Exclusion and Integration”