
P_Florian Lena_Heimliche Strategien bei Übersetzung...

6 March: Secret strategies in translation and dictionary work. So, students really translate, Dr. Lena Florian, University of Potsdam

The lecture reports on empirical findings on translation methods, text comprehension and dictionary work, as they are actually performed by students …

Published on 15 March 2019
Günther E. Thüry Verleihung Professortitel 530x300

Günther E. Thüry Awarded Professional Title “Professor”

By a resolution dated 18 June, 2018, the long-serving lecturer at the Department of Classical Studies at the PLUS, Univ.-Lektor Lic. phil. Dr. h.c. Dr. phil. Günther E. Thüry was awarded the professional title “Professor” by the Federal President.

Published on 22 January 2019

“Knöchelspielende Kinder und streitende Knaben. Die Londoner Beißergruppe und ihr Umfeld”, PD Dr. Katharina Meinecke, German Archaeological Institute, Dept., Rome

The so-called Beißergruppe, found in the late 17th century in a Roman villa near Grottaferrata in Llatium and is now in the British Museum in London, reintroduces two boys in dispute over the game Knucklebones.

Published on 22 January 2019