
Foto: Universität Salzburg

Expensive Turf Salzburg? Students from the University of Salzburg Investigated the Regional Housing Market

Average rental costs rose by 22% in the city of Salzburg from 2006 to 2016, while purchasing prices rose by 105%. An 80m² apartment in 2006 was valued at nearly 9 times the average annual income, and in 2016, was valued at over 15 times the average annual income. Only a third of the university’s students have a main residence in Salzburg; housing costs play a major role.

Published on 17 July 2017
I. Paus-Hasebrink

Media and Socially Disadvantaged Children. Longest Long-term Study Has Been Completed.

Play computer games, watch TV, become a YouTube star. For children and young people from socially disadvantaged families, media usually have a very important function for helping them cope with their daily lives and with identity formation. This is a central finding that the Salzburg communication scientist, Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, has drawn from the media socialization study, which has now been completed after 12 years.

Published on 17 July 2017

UNI in the Heart of Mini-Salzburg

On 28 June, the children’s town of Mini-Salzburg opened its doors for the 8th time in Salzburg’s Eisarena. Several hundred children aged 7 – 14 stormed “their” city, where they worked, studied and enjoyed their leisure time in the restaurant, the milk bar, the beauty salon, boating and much more with the self-earned money (= Saletti).

Published on 17 July 2017