
KinderUNI Sujet

That Was the KinderUNI Unterwegs

Already for the second time, the >KinderUNI unterwegs

Published on 22 May 2019
Bild Zsuzsanna Gahse Autorin

3–17 May: Salzburg Stefan Zweig Poetry Lecture

With Zsuzsanna Gahse – Lecture “Andererseits”

Published on 22 May 2019
Plakat zur Ringvorlesung Sprachwissenschaft im Sommersemester 20

Linguistics Lecture Series, “Language Change R/Evolution of the Unseen Hand?”

The Linguistics lecture series, “Sprachwandel R/Evolution von unsichtbarer Hand?” starts again after the Easter break with an updated program and new information material!

Published on 17 May 2019