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07 October: Long Night of the Museums 2017

The Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg (Hauptbibliothek und Fakultätsbibliothek für Rechtswissenschaften) opens the door to the public and offers a varied program.

Published on 09 October 2017
Gruppenfoto PreisträgerInnen

Up-and-Coming Talent Awarded with Dr. Hans-Riegel Fachpreisen

Outstanding pre-scientific work was honoured on 20 September with the HANS-RIEGEL-Fachpreis: In cooperation with the Kaiserschild-Foundation, the University of Salzburg again awarded prizes to students and schools in the state of Salzburg, with a total value of 3550 Euro.

Published on 09 October 2017

4 – 6 October: ÖGG Annual Meeting “Übertragen, Übersetzen, Übermitteln”

From 4 to 6 October, 2017, the annual meeting of the Austrian Society for German Studies (ÖGG) takes place at the Department of German Studies at the University of Salzburg.

Published on 09 October 2017