

PhD candidate participated at BSE summer school

Tobias Scheckel, PhD student at the PLUS Department of Economics, recently participated in the Macroeconometrics Summer School organized by the Barcelona School of Economics. He reflects upon an experience of “great new insights and impulses”.

Published on 12 August 2023

Apply now for fully funded PhD position in Economics at SCEUS

The Department of Economics and the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS) are looking for a PhD student in Economics who is interested in pursuing a PhD in Economics related to the topic of European Union Integration. We are open for theoretical, empirical, or experimental work from all areas in Economics. The PhD position will start as soon as possible (desirably October 2023) and is fully funded for three years by SCEUS.

Published on 26 July 2023
Auckland mega sports event

The questionable legacy of sports mega-events

Hannes Winner (PLUS Econ) writes together with Martin Schnitzer (U Innsbruck) on the questionable legacy of sports mega events in “Die Presse”.

Published on 24 July 2023