

K3 in Salzburg: A Summary

Two days, six scientific lectures, 18 practice workshops, a multi-confessional morning show, a musical premiere, 280 participants, more than 500 Twitter messages with the Hashtag #k3klima, 400 Esterhazy-Törtchen on the catering buffets. This (and much more) was K3 – the first conference for climate change, communication and society on the 25th and 26th of September in Salzburg.

Published on 23 October 2017

Graduation and Doctoral Thesis Celebration on 11 October, 2017

On 11 October, 2017, the University of Salzburg warmly congratulated graduates who celebrated their graduations and/or completion of doctoral theses.

Published on 21 October 2017
Gruppenfoto Erwin-Kräutler-Preise

“Erwin-Kräutler-Preis” goes to Sebastian Pittl und Stefan Silber

On 3 October, 2017, the Center for Theology Intercultural and Study of the Religions of the University of Salzburg awarded the Erwin Kräutler Prize for the fourth time. This year, the award went to theologians Sebastian Pittl (IWM St. Georgen) and Stefan Silber (University of Osnabrück).

Published on 18 October 2017