
Plakat zur 5. Filmreihe Slawystika

5th Film Series „Filmclub Horizonte Slawistyka, Slavistika, Cлавистика“

The Faculty of Slavic Studies, the cultural centre DAS KINO and the Russian Centre invite you to the fifth series of cinema films from Eastern and Central Europe. As part of the film club „Slawistyka, Slavistika, Cлавистика“ award winning current Polish, Russian and Czech films with political and social themes will be shown.

Published on 16 December 2020
Foto: Lange Nacht der Forschung

Digital Long Night of Research

Experience different aspects of science and research digitally – those who are interested can do this within the framework of the virtual contributions of the Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg at the Long Night of Research Digital on 9th October 2020 from 14:00.

Published on 16 December 2020
Meister unterrichtet seine Schüler

Lecture in the Framework of the Agorá: “Chinas New Silk Street – Opportunity for Cooperation or Geopolitical Challenges ?”

With Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedenführ, MA (University of Tübingen) on the 20th October 2020 at 18:00 in the Bibliotheksaula ( Library Hall) .

Published on 16 December 2020