
Elena Freisinger

Research seminar by Elena Freisinger (TU Illmenau)

Date: 31.05.2022 from 18:00 to 19:30 (on-site)

Elena Freisinger (TU Illmenau) will present on the topic “Overcoming algorithm aversion – the power of task-procedure fit”. Note that the research seminar will take place on-site in room HS 302 (FRA1OG4.420). Looking forward to seeing you in the seminar!

Published on 24 May 2022

4th Ulrich Winkler Lecture: Unsagbares. Ungesagtes. Unsägliches. (lecture in German)

2 June 2022 | in presence: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sigrid Rettenbacher from the Catholic Private University Linz lectures on the topic “Unsagbares. Ungesagtes. Unsägliches. Kirchliche Identitäts- und Diskurspolitiken im Zeichen von Differenz(-erfahrungen)”. The lecture will be held in German.

Published on 22 May 2022
Rudi Bachmann

Research seminar by Rüdiger Bachmann (University of Notre Dame)

Date: 24.05.2022 from 18:00 to 19:30 (on-site)

Rüdiger Bachmann (University of Notre Dame) will present his paper “Monopsony Makes Firms not only Small but also Unproductive: Why East Germany has not Converged” which is joint work with Christian Bayer, Heiko Stüber and Felix Wellschmied. Note that the research seminar will take place on-site in room HS 302 (FRA1OG4.420). Looking forward to seeing you in the seminar!

Published on 17 May 2022