
Publication of the month September (2015)

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month September (2015): Eva HATTINGER

Published on 02 October 2015
©Otto Müller Verlag

Readings within the Framework of „Österreich liest. Treffpunkt Bibliothek“

Reading with Dietmar Krug, “Rissspuren”.

Published on 01 October 2015

Book Presentation, “Social justice and Child Poverty”

On 24 November, 2015, the new book by Gunter Graf and Gottfried Schweiger, “A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty “, will be presented at the Center for Ethics and Poverty Research. Professors Monika Betzler (Munich), John Drerup (Koblenz-Landau) and Christian Neuhaus (Dortmund) will comment on the book and have discussions with the authors.

Published on 21 September 2015