

10 December: Beginning of the Lezezirkels of the Project Group Empirical Migration Research Salzburg (PREMISA)

On three afternoons during the winter semester, the Project Group Empirical Migration Research (PREMISA), with Prof. Dr. Georg Auernheimer, one of the pioneers of intercultural education in German-speaking countries, meet to talk about his current book “Wie Flüchtlinge gemacht werden: über Fluchtursachen und Fluchtverursacher”. The series of events starts on 10 December at 16:00.

Published on 07 January 2019

OeAD Research Funding for a Psycho-/(neuro)linguistic Research Project on the Acquisition of English as a Third Language

In July 2018, the international research project “Processing Instruction for L3: Differences between balanced and unbalanced bilinguals (PI-BI-L3)” received funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Research (MON) awarded by the Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD) Competition for 24 months

Published on 07 January 2019
Die Preisverleihung

Award of Excellence for Christoph Hülsmann und James Wilhelm

36th Statute of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (version 2018)
The two University Salzburg doctoral students Christoph Hülsmann, Romance Studies, and Dr. James Wilhelm, Political Science, received the State Prize of the BMBWF for their dissertations “On the Information Structure and its Interfaces in Spoken Language (French, Spanish, Italian)” and “Does the EU Theme Affirm the Election – Political Parties, European Integration and

Published on 07 January 2019