
Foto: Flyer

17 / 18 October: Conference “JAPAN AND VIENNESE MODERNISM”

This year Japan and Austria celebrate the 150th anniversary of the signing of the bilateral friendship treaty. On this occasion, the University of Salzburg is organizing the conference “Japan and Viennese Modernism” in cooperation with the city and province of Salzburg.

Published on 24 October 2019

22 October: Career Forum – the Job Fair at the Salzburg Congress

On Tuesday, 22 October, 2019, the Salzburg Congress will host the Career Forum, the big job fair of the Salzburger Nachrichten, with a workshop program. For the 13th time, the University of Salzburg has partnered with Salzburg’s largest career platform.

Published on 24 October 2019
Foto Edmundsburg

Conference: Erosion of the Rule of Law

On 22 October, 2019, 17:00 – 20:00, the conference “Erosion of the Rule of Law” takes place in the Europasaal on the Edmundsburg. Democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights are among the pillars of the European order. In recent years, however, these values have come under increasing pressure in some countries.

Published on 24 October 2019